
I'm Anson.

I'm a Fullstack Software Engineer with a strong passion for building web applications with great user experiences.
Here's a bit more about me.

Here are some of my projects

  • NFT Marketplace

    HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React

    Transformed a completely static HTML, CSS, JavaScript and React single page application into an interactive user interface using animations, transitions and carousels. Processed API requests with Axios to dynamically represent data from a cloud server and represented it through skeleton loading states, pagination and dynamic routing. Utilized Git version control and the GitHub interface to work and thrive in a virtual and collaborative team environment.

  • NASA Mission Control

    HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Docker, AWS EC2, MongoDB, Node.js, Express.js

    A fullstack NASA Mission Control MERN application deployed to production using Docker and AWS. Parsed CSV files from from SpaceX and NASA. Get, Post, Put, Delete Functionality

  • Library E-Commerce Website

    HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React

    A fully responsive E-Commerce website made using HTML5, CSS3 (+BEM), JavaScript and React best practices. Functionality includes sorting, adding books to cart, and automatically calculating the total cost.

  • Movie Clone

    HTML, CSS, Javascript, React

    Designed and developed a fully responsive movie clone using OMDB's movie API. Created a real-world search engine to discover movies and movie descriptions.